We want you to get the care you deserve.

Elevating your inner zen for a life of peace & balance.

We offer expert guidance and support for your transformative journey of mind, body, and spirit. From personalized one-on-one coaching sessions to tailored packages and insightful divination services, our holistic approach ensures a comprehensive transformation. Immerse yourself in the rejuvenating experience of our Zen retreats, where meditation, yoga, and nature activities create sacred spaces for healing and growth. Join us today and launch your path to a more peaceful, balanced, and enlightened life.

A modern approach

Where modern techniques meet ancient wisdom, it’s essential that our clients are met with our cutting-edge approach. We blend personalized coaching, digital detox retreats, and virtual divination sessions, ensuring your journey to balance and enlightenment is accessible wherever you are.

Our rates

The Empowerment Cleanse

Our 14-day package offers a unique blend of holistic practices to detoxify your body with nutritious meals, rejuvenate your mind with meditation and mindfulness exercises, and enrich your spirit through connection practices and self-reflection.

14 Day | $250 | Get started

High Vibrational Ascension

Our 12- week program will allow you to ignite the flame of divine empowerment within, embodying the sovereign authority of the awakened soul. Descend into the depths of the psyche, excavating the buried treasures of the soul and releasing ancestral burdens. Ascend to the lofty peaks of transcendental consciousness, communing with the divine essence that permeates all creation.

12 week | $999 | Get started

Sacred Renewal

The Sacred Renewal Experience is an intensively curated 6-week program designed for those ready to undergo a profound transformation on all levels of being. This journey is not just about temporary changes but about deeply rooted growth and renewal in your mind, body, and spirit. Tailored to individuals looking to dramatically shift their life's trajectory, heal the heart chakra, elevate confidence, and detoxify from the inside out, this experience combines personalized mentorship, healing practices, and a supportive community to foster lasting change.

6 week | $499 | Get started

Synergy Session

One-on-One Spiritual Holistic Wellness Coaching Sessions. Designed to nurture your body, soothe your mind, enrich your spirit, and invigorate your emotional well-being, these sessions offer a personalized roadmap to your most fulfilled and balanced self.

90 mins | $99 | Get started

Zen Retreats


Discover your potential with our expert divination services. Explore Tarot Reading, Astrology Reading, and Human Design to gain clarity, discover your path, and transform your life. Embrace insight and empowerment with every session. Start your journey to a more fulfilled life today!

60 mins | $50 | Get started

Balance & Blossom

This retreat is your gateway to harmonizing mind, body, and spirit. "Balance and Blossom" focuses on grounding techniques, mindfulness meditation, and gentle yoga to help you find your center and embrace tranquility. Through guided sessions and personal reflection time, you'll learn to navigate life's challenges with grace and emerge more resilient and connected to your true self.

2 Day | $250 | Get started

Chakra Balance & Shadow Integration

Dive deeper into your spiritual journey with "Chakra Balance & Shadow Integration." This immersive experience is designed to align your chakras and bring light to the shadows within. Through energy healing, introspective practices, and guided meditations, you'll explore and integrate the hidden parts of yourself, leading to a more balanced and whole being.

4 Days| $400 | Get started

Get started with Zen Journey, today.